As you drink more alcohol, your blood alcohol content (BAC) increases. Your BAC is the amount of alcohol that is in your body. People can experience impaired judgment, reflexes and senses as they consume more alcohol, which can affect how people drive.
The police use a driver’s BAC to determine whether a driver is violating traffic laws. In Nebraska, the BAC limit while driving is 0.08 percent. If a driver is at or exceeds the BAC limit, they could face drunk driving charges. There is more you need to know:
How do the police test a driver’s BAC?
The police have a few chemical alcohol tests when determining a driver’s blood alcohol content. The most common option is a breath test. A breath test is administered by having a driver blow into a tube on a machine. The machine will then read the driver’s BAC level. Alternatively, a driver could be asked to give blood or urine samples.
Out of the three tests, blood tests are often the most accurate. Certain elements can influence the result of chemical sobriety tests, including mouthwash, gum or mints that contain alcohol, human error, calibration issues and elemental factors.
Can you lower your BAC level?
Drivers who want to lower their blood alcohol content may be disappointed to learn there is no quick answer. It takes time for the body to process alcohol in the body. Even with a lower BAC level, drivers could still face charges because of impaired driving and recklessness. Drivers can learn about their defense options if they are facing drunk driving charges.