You are probably aware that repeat driving under the influence (DUI) offenders face harsher penalties than first-timers. What may be unclear is what determines whether someone is considered a repeat offender. This is where the lookback period comes in. The lookback...
Drunk Driving
What does blood alcohol content (BAC) mean?
As you drink more alcohol, your blood alcohol content (BAC) increases. Your BAC is the amount of alcohol that is in your body. People can experience impaired judgment, reflexes and senses as they consume more alcohol, which can affect how people drive. The police use...
Can you refuse a field sobriety test?
After a long day at work, we sometimes enjoy stopping by our favorite watering hole to relax and unwind before heading home. It’s a time to trade jokes and have a few laughs with some friends while enjoying a couple of beers. You head home only to look in your...
5 myths about alcohol and drunk driving
When it comes to alcohol, there are many misunderstandings about the substance. Some of these misunderstandings can cause drunk driving charges. To help protect against drunk driving charges, it can help to learn about a few common myths about alcohol and drunk...
Can Nebraska police departments conduct DUI checkpoints?
Some types of law enforcement activity violate the law or the civil rights of individuals. For example, mass enforcement efforts might violate someone's right to be free from unreasonable searches. Particularly when police officers indiscriminately detain people or...
Potential signs of impaired driving
When a police officer pulls someone over, they need to have a reason to do so. It can be minor. For instance, someone could technically be pulled over for driving just slightly above the speed limit or for executing a turn without using their blinker. The key thing to...
3 things to know about drunk driving charges
Drunk driving charges are a serious matter that can result in significant consequences, especially if the motorist who is facing scrutiny is convicted. Sentences for a conviction often include fines, imprisonment, court-ordered programs, ignition interlock...
Are field sobriety tests always accurate?
If a police officer suspects someone of drunk driving, they typically need evidence beyond their personal suspicions to arrest that driver. One of the first ways an officer can screen someone for intoxication is through a series of field sobriety tests. Field sobriety...
Tips to avoid problems when pulled over for DUI
If you want to avoid problems during a DUI stop, following some basic guidelines and being aware of your rights are important. While it can be a scary and stressful situation, when you know what to do, it can take some of the concern out of it. Here are some tips to...
The police can almost always pull you over
One important thing to keep in mind when you’re driving is that, while the police do you need to have a reason to stop your car, it’s usually fairly easy for them to find one. Most officers can discover some reason to legally stop a vehicle if they want to do so. In...