Compassionate Legal Guidance When Matters Involve Your Children
Child custody cases can be combative and draining for all involved. When legal matters concern your children, you need an experienced attorney to provide efficient representation.
Attorney has assisted separating or divorcing Nebraska parents in complex disputes since 1990. At Whelan Law Office, we understand the stakes involved in child custody disputes. When an amicable resolution is unlikely, we provide efficient, strategic advocacy for you in the courtroom.
Awarding Physical And Legal Custody In Nebraska
There are two parts to child custody: physical and legal. Physical custody determines where the child will reside, when they will spend time with each parent and more. Legal custody determines the responsibility of each parent in making critical life decisions for the child, including on education, religion, care and more.
Nebraska courts allow parents to first attempt a mutually agreed-upon plan on their own. When this is impossible, the court will decide on the best interests of the child.
Determining What Is In The Best Interests Of The Child
Many parents assume that the mother will automatically be granted custody of the child. However, Nebraska courts have made a major shift in past years to rule out any gender bias in awarding custody. As such, both mothers and fathers have an equal advantage coming into the dispute. The court will decide based on the facts of the case alone, including:
- The upbringing of the child and each parent’s role
- How a move out of the child’s home, school or more could affect them
- The physical and mental conditions of each parent
- The quality of life the child is accustomed to
- The wishes of each parent and the child, if they are old enough
- Any outstanding factors, including substance abuse or domestic abuse
When possible, the court considers joint custody to encourage the child’s continued relationship with both parents.
Attorney Whelan understands the delicate nature of such cases and the necessity to efficiently reach a resolution. As an experienced and aggressive litigator, he will be a dedicated advocate to protect your long-term interests in the courtroom. Should a substantial life event occur, he can also represent you in requesting or challenging a modification to an existing court order.
Discuss Your Case With A Lawyer
Learn how Whelan Law Office can assist with your child custody dispute. Schedule a consultation at our Omaha office. Call 402-513-0504 or email us.