The key issue in Nebraska child custody cases 

On Behalf of | Dec 17, 2024 | Child Custody |

Custody cases can be highly contentious and complex. The circumstances of every child and their family are unique. Nonetheless, the family courts in Nebraska do apply one important legal principle to all custody cases – the best interests of the child. 

While the best interests of the child can be hard to define, the court prioritizes certain issues. Here are some important factors to remember. 

Safety comes first 

Safety is paramount in child custody cases. If the court suspects any credible safety threats, these will factor into custody rulings. For example, if there is a history of emotional or physical abuse by one parent. In such cases, the court may not remove custody rights altogether, but they can order supervised visitation. This means that the parent can see their child, but only in a safe and secure environment where a responsible adult can take over if necessary. 

The court values continuity 

Stability is very important for children, and this is something that the family court in Nebraska recognizes. The court will generally aim to minimize disruption. The court may be reluctant to approve a custody order that means the child has to move school and home and disrupt their daily routine. Doing so could be justified if it is in the best interests of the child. 

The physical and emotional needs of the child 

The court will also carefully assess the unique needs of the child. For example, if the child has physical or mental health issues that require specialist care, the custody order will reflect this. When the child is mature enough, the court may consider their preferences, although the best interests of the child always remain the deciding factor. 

For more information on child custody proceedings, you may find it beneficial to seek legal guidance. 


