You might not feel great about divorcing. Guilt and shame are common among those about to untie the knot. Hence, it is understandable if you’d prefer to keep the news private. However, if you have children, you simply have to tell the staff at your school that you are...
Child Custody
The key issue in Nebraska child custody cases
Custody cases can be highly contentious and complex. The circumstances of every child and their family are unique. Nonetheless, the family courts in Nebraska do apply one important legal principle to all custody cases – the best interests of the child. While the best...
How to prepare for custody exchange days
Custody exchange days can be emotional and confusing. One of the factors that can lead to this is not being prepared. Being anxious, seeing your child cry and getting to the exchange location only to realize you didn't pack what your child needs can complicate...
Co-parent planning for Halloween, Thanksgiving and winter break
As the holiday season approaches, newly separated parents may face the challenge of coordinating schedules for Halloween, Thanksgiving and winter break. These occasions are special times for children, and working to ensure that thoughtful plans and expectations are in...
When should you dig your heels in over custody arrangements?
It is widely accepted that children generally do better after a divorce when both their parents continue participating in their lives. That is why most courts will look to achieve this when ruling on child custody matters. There are exceptions, however. Sometimes...
Tips for communication with your ex about your children
Divorce is the end of a romantic relationship, but it doesn’t end the need for parents to continue communicating with each other about the children. With the change in relationship dynamics comes a need to set the standard for communication. Communicating with your...
Discussing the custody agreement with your kids
If you go through a divorce with kids, you need to hold several conversations with them. Besides informing them about the divorce, you will have another sit-down when you and the other parent create a custody agreement, whether a temporary or permanent one. Talking...
Is your ex unfit for child custody?
The state of Nebraska usually supports child custody arrangements in which both parents actively participate in their child's upbringing following divorce or a nonmarital split. The courts take children's best interests seriously, which means mothers are not...
Long-distance parents need a communication plan
Is the new year bringing changes in your life that require you to be away from your child and co-parent for stretches of time for business or other obligations or maybe even to live some distance away? You’ll probably need to modify your custody order and parenting...
Will a child’s wishes affect custody in Nebraska?
Divorcing parents in Nebraska often focus on custody more than other issues. Their primary concern during divorce is preserving the relationship that they have with their children. Many factors influence custody determinations in Nebraska, including the schedule of...