Does your child’s school need to know you are divorcing?

On Behalf of | Jan 20, 2025 | Child Custody |

You might not feel great about divorcing. Guilt and shame are common among those about to untie the knot. Hence, it is understandable if you’d prefer to keep the news private. However, if you have children, you simply have to tell the staff at your school that you are getting a divorce.

Here is why telling the school you are divorcing is so critical:

They need to know how and where to contact you

Schools mostly contact parents through cell phones, apps or email these days, but they still need to know your address and that is likely to change when you divorce – for one of you at the least.

Also, when a couple is married, schools may assume they can pass information to one parent and it will get to the other. That often becomes less reliable after a divorce is initiated, as many divorcing and divorced couples have trouble communicating.

It can help them protect and understand your child

You might think your child is coping OK with the divorce, but the teachers at school might be seeing something very different. They may notice changes in your child’s behavior or achievements, and it can be tough for them to interpret this correctly if they do not know what is happening at home. If you tell them you are divorcing, they can look out for your child, to see that they are OK and make allowance or offer extra help where needed.

You don’t need to give the school details about your divorce, but they do need to know it is happening. Small things like this are easy to overlook with all that is going on. It’s one of the many reasons why seeking help to learn more about the steps to take in a divorce is wise.



