Relationships can be complicated. Sometimes, no matter how much two people care for each other, an argument begins and escalates to the point where one person ends up unintentionally hurting the other, either emotionally or physically or both. It seems this may have...
Month: December 2018
You may have the right to change your Nebraska parenting plan
For many couples going through divorce in Nebraska, the terms of custody for their minor children is the most contentious and emotional issue. Although the courts typically favor shared custody arrangements, the way that parental responsibilities and rights get split...
Seniors pursuing divorce at a higher rate than ever before
It used to be that when people thought of a divorcing couple, they automatically pictured young to middle-aged adults. However, the number of seniors or nearly seniors choosing divorce is rapidly rising across the country. Many Nebraska residents may be able to...
“Ace Ventura” imitator faces drunk driving charge
Most Nebraska drivers, from time to time, have experienced a malfunction with one of their car's features and have had to improvise in order to keep driving safely. Sometimes, a driver may not make the best choice under the circumstances, resulting in damage to the...
Holiday time can be difficult during and following divorce
When a couple decides to separate, typically, they need to make many difficult decisions. Parents may find the divorce process particularly challenging, as many of the choices they make will affect the children as well. During the holiday season, many divorcing...