Educators are often aware of the heavy burden placed on them to be role models and to set positive ideals for their students. Because of this, teachers may be held to a higher standard or made an example when accusations of misconduct occur. One Nebraska teacher may...
Month: March 2017
Child custody case takes an interesting turn
The definition of family seems to have become more elastic as time passes. No longer limited to mother, father and children, families have expanded beyond the traditional biological units. However, this evolution creates challenges for child custody courts in Nebraska...
Drunk driver receives lighter sentence due to plea deal
A repeat drunk driving offender who pleaded no contest will receive a surprisingly favorable outcome, pursuant to a plea deal. The man’s post-arrest efforts may have mitigated harsher treatment. Since his arrest, the man has sought counseling and treatment. The...
Baby boomers still ranking high for divorce
Statistics and studies intrigue many people who like to see where they rate compared to others in the country. Statistics regarding marriage seem to be particularly fascinating to many. Annual reports of divorce rates have offered a sense of optimism or dread among...
Tips for financial success before and after divorce
Maneuvering your way through the emotional aspects of a divorce is never easy. Add to that the financial worries related to ending your marriage, and it may seem overwhelming. Following a few basic tips, however, can help you prepare for a divorce before it begins and...
Are police interrogation tactics encouraging false confessions?
Given the serious consequences that accompany many felony convictions, no defendant would confess to a crime that he or she didn’t commit, right? Yet according to one former homicide detective, false confessions are obtained in far too many criminal cases. The...